Thursday, March 1, 2012

Whatever happened to date night?

When Dan and I had a free evening we would often ask each other, “What restaurant should we go to tonight?” That has changed. Now the question is, “Which gym should we go to?”

Once we arrived at our destination for a date night, the question used to be, “Should we order steak or fish? Or maybe pasta?” Now we ask, “Shall we swim tonight or cycle? Or maybe just run?”

So here is my typical training week these days:

Monday  – Spin class at 5:30 am
Tuesday – Afternoon one hour run outside while my daughter attends acting class
Wednesday – Spin class after work
Thursday – Team swim time in the evening
Friday – Work out with weights during lunchtime or rest day
Saturday – Morning distance run with the team
Sunday – Swimming on our own

Dan and I are still spending lots of time together. And since our gym membership costs the same whether we go or not, we’re actually saving money by skipping the restaurants! Our apologies to all those local, tasty spots we used to support regularly.

-- JAM

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